We've Moved To Canada

by Simon and Martina

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Yup, that's right. We’ve moved back to Canada! Sorry for the worry we might have caused you all, but I’m sure you can understand that it was an extremely tough decision to make. We took time off from social media and from posting videos to really think about what we were going to do. To get these changes in motion. We were both concerned about the well being of our families during this time. As for me (Martina), since my dad passed away, I was especially worried about my mom being isolated and alone due to the necessary social distancing. My plan is to spend more time with her, maybe even learn some recipes that I can share with you all for Martina’s Midnight Munchies!Simon has taken a step back from being on camera and he has gotten back into writing, something he truly loved doing while in university. He’s working on a book and has even been contemplating enrolling back into school. But currently he's been a bit busy with... well, you’ll see in the next video 😉 Majority of us have had to make massive changes during this time period. Covid has changed the way of the world, so we’re going to have to change with it. I’ve always enjoyed making videos, editing, creating music, doodling so I’d like to keep sharing whatever ideas come out of my crazy head. Of course, I've also got some Build A Ladder segments I've been planning, so I'm going to give myself a smaller work load but try to be more consistent. We'll see if I can stick to my personal goals. Simon too is also going to focus on the creative ideas and processes that he enjoys, so we're looking to more flexible.It’ll be a change, but we’ve dealt with change before. Hopefully some of you will stick around and will enjoy the new changes 2020 will bring to our channel.

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